Sample Audio

A Course In Miracles Listener Clarity Version*

Spiritual Ear Audio has completed the fresh new recording of A Course In Miracles by Andrew Allansmith, a professional voice and ACIM student and teacher of over 25 years. The style is gentle but confident, and brief touches of music indicate section changes. This complete and unabridged 73-hour recording is done with permission from the publisher and copyright holder of A Course In Miracles. Add directly to Files on your smartphone and access with your choice of Audiobook App such as "Bound" or "Smart Audiobook Player". Otherwise download them to your PC or Mac, the files will play on any computer, MP3 player, iPod, or smartphone manufactured after 2007 (for you techies, we have modernized to 12 m4a files from 800 MP3 -- send me a note if you want the individual MP3s).

Intended for one user, please.


Listener Clarity Version means the narrator optimized the recording for listeners. The only changes made from the book in this recording are to make listening more effective by inserting the word TRUE where words such as Self are capitalized and many times the inferred proper noun from the page is used to clarify successive pronouns such as "it," "he," and "him. Harp music indicates indented and italicized phrases.

Item Length Price
Complete ACIM Parts I-IV Download
All 4 audiobooks: Text, Workbook, Manual, and Supplements 73 hours $59
ACIM Part IV: ACIM Supplements
Psychotherapy and The Song of Prayer 3 hours $15
ACIM Study Tools Downloads
The 14 Terms: ACIM Workbook Definitions 1 hour $7
ACIM Lessons Title Drill 2 hrs $10
The Teaching of Buddha
The Teaching of Buddha by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, Narrated by Andrew, unabridged 6 hours $12
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ACIM Study Tools

Free ACIM Study Guide


The ACIM Study Guide is a PDF file you can download and print that will guide you through the entire A Course In Miracles Text, Workbook, Manual, Clarification of Terms, and Supplements.
Each day prescribes a miracle principle and a reading from each of the sections.
It is based on the 2nd Edition, if it is updated to the 3rd Edition you will be invited to a free upgrade. Please send and email to request your free copy.

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The 14 Terms: ACIM Definitions

The A Course In Miracles Workbook contains 14 one-page definitions of essential ACIM terms.
This Audio is a direct recording of those terms. Each track is approximately 4 minutes.
• What Is Forgiveness?
• What Is Salvation?
• What Is the World?
• What Is Sin?
• What Is the Body?
• What Is the Christ?
• What Is the Holy Spirit?
• What Is the Real World?
• What Is the Second Coming?
• What Is the Last Judgment?
• What Is Creation?
• What Is the Ego?
• What Is a Miracle?
• What Am I?

ACIM Lessons Title Drill

Learn the lesson titles and their numbers

This Audio is a careful and complete recording of the lesson titles in the Workbook for Students of A Course In Miracles. It is studio recorded by a professional reader who is also a 25 year ACIM student and facilitator in love with the material. The style is gentle and confident.

Each lesson number is announced once, followed by three repetitions of the lesson title at a conversational pace with a pause after the group. A review of each 10 lesson titles and numbers is more rapidly read for you as the drill progresses. Soft accompaniment is blended at the beginning and end of each disc, but not throughout.

This is PURE ACIM and is a powerful learning tool for the blessed message of A Course in Miracles. This drill can be used by facilitators and students alike who want to raise their awareness of the lessons, the lesson numbers, and the sequence in which they are presented. The power of the titles themselves brings a surprising level of self-teaching/learning experience as one follows along while driving, meditating, falling asleep, or waking up. Eventually, they always work to wake you up!

All Lesson titles are covered on the audio. For example:
#5 I am never upset for the reason I think
#7 I see only the past
#8 My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts
#9 I see nothing as it is now
#22 What I see is a form of vengeance
#23 I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts
#31 I am not the victim of the world I see
#32 I have invented the world I see
#128 The world I see holds nothing that I want
#129 Beyond this world, there is a world I want
#130 It is impossible to see two worlds
#132 I loose the world from all I thought it was
#221 Peace to my mind, let all my thoughts be still
#233 I give my life to God to guide today
#249 Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss
#302 Where darkness was, I look upon the light
#309 I will not fear to look within today
#323 I gladly make the "sacrifice" of fear
#330 I will not hurt myself again today
#332 Fear binds the world. Forgiveness sets it free
#351 My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain.
And which I choose to see I will behold.
#365 This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge.
For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace

Of course, this list is only a sampling (and it was hard not to enter them all on this page!), but from reading the list you might get a feel for the experience. The narrator has a male voice and uses subtle variations in each lesson title repetition, encouraging the listener to consider the meaning.

Audiobook Samples
Top Words Used in ACIM
Free ACIM Toolbox
Lesson of the Day Calendar
ACIM Inspired Meditations